Tiny Tots at Cherrybrook
The Tiny Tots program is for children from 3 to 5 years of age that involves parent/carers and child participation in skills based games that are all about having fun and learning!
Our Tots will learn about walking, running, jumping and throwing in age appropriate activities. Tots will focus on development and play based games, as opposed to competition like our Little Athletics Program. We will be playing games such as running and jumping over rope ladders, mini hurdles, hoops, throwing and catching bean bags or playing with the big parachute. The children also get to participate in ‘Athletics’ events such as long jump or a 50m run on the track.
Our Tots will also have their own Fun and Ribbon Night, preparing them for the fun that awaits when they join Little Athletics.
Our Tots sessions arrive 4:30pm, warm up starts at 4:45pm, finishing about 5:30pm on Fridays prior to Little Athletics and require a parent/carer to remain and participate.
We look forward to all the fun we will have with Tiny Tots this year!